LNG Task Force Release Final Report and Spread Lies!
The PA Legislature passed a bill in 2022, and Governor Wolf signed it into law, setting up a “Philadelphia LNG Task Force”. The job of the task force was to target southeast PA in the Delaware River Watershed as a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export hub, regardless of the public safety and health harms of explosive and polluting LNG, the inevitable environmental damage, and the exacerbation of the climate crisis.
On November 1st, 2023, the LNG Task force released their final report about how to best implement plans to create an LNG export facility. The final report can be found at this link. While the report does not specifically name a location for the facility, we know that Chester is being targeted by LNG industry as the prime site for the LNG facility. The dissenting minority report points out in its opening paragraphs that there is no “suitable site [for an LNG facility] anywhere in the Southeastern Pennsylvania region”.
Click the link below to watch a C4 student break down the lies spread at the Final Report Release meeting the LNG Task force had on 11/1/23!