Dismantling of the Chester-Upland Public School System “where segregation is admittedly a fact but not a policy.”

MUST READ!!! A for-profit charter school is trying to privatize the whole system after gutting the district financially over the years. Chester’s education and health are not for sale! This is too much for one city to bear.
Quotes from article: “If there was not money in this,” one advocate told me, “none of these carpetbaggers would be here. There’s money in poverty.”
“When a district is segregated, abandoned, underfunded, and deprived of resources, it suffers. And when the state, rather than aiding it, allows it to be picked over and fed upon by private for-profit businesses, it suffers even more, creating the possibility of a community that is no longer able to fulfil the promise of a free public education for all of its children. Chester Upland seems less likely to have a happy ending and more likely to end as a tragic cautionary tale. Pennsylvania’s students deserve better.”