Why is Incineration Toxic?

Trash incineration is the process of burning waste in order to dispose of it. Trash incineration is the most expensive and polluting way to make energy or to manage waste. 126 waste incinerators operate in the US, 72 of which are municipal solid waste facilities. 85% of waste incinerators are located in environmental justice communities. Nearly half of operating incinerators are in places where more than 25% of residents are impoverished, and more than 25% are people of color. It is time we put an end to these outdated and dirty facilities!

Harms of Incineration
- Incineration is the worst way to manage waste and is far more polluting than landfills. For every 100 tons of trash burned, 70 tons become air pollution, and 30 tons become toxic ash that goes to landfills, which pose health hazards to groundwater and runoff. Instead, the best approach to managing waste is a Zero Waste plan.
- Incineration produces the fewest jobs compared to reuse, recycling and composting the same materials.
- Incineration is the dirtiest way to produce energy – far more polluting than coal burning.
- According to the waste industry itself, incineration has always been more expensive than landfilling.
- Often rebranded as “waste-to-energy”, “energy from waste”, or “resource recovery”, these terms are a public relations spin to cover up a very dirty and inefficient industry.
- Even with air pollution control equipment, trash incinerators emit more pollution than (less controlled) coal power plants per unit of energy produced.
- Incinerators lock municipalities into waste generation and hamper movement to Zero Waste societies. Often times, municipalities are often contractually obligated to deliver a certain amount of waste to their incineration facility, or face a fee. Whereas with landfills this is not the case and provide incentive for communities to adopt Zero Waste and recycling practices.
What are the Alternatives?
Landfilling has less health and environmental costs than incineration, but Zero Waste is the best path forward. Learn more about these options the handout below. In terms of energy generation, we should focus on building up our solar, wind, and hydro power.
- 5 Reasons Why Incineration is Toxic
- GAIA (Global Alliance for Incineration Alternatives)
- Incinerator Map created by Tishman Environment and Design Center at The New School
- The New School report: “U.S. Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators: An Industry In Decline” May 2019